I make this website for my own joy in building/coding and designing it, the pleasure of writing and photographing and reflecting, and the happiness in making useful things and sharing them. AND it's for finding like minds and kindred spirits across the internet. If you're resonating, feel free to send a note to introduce yourself.

What to email about?

Artist publishing! Making fun websites! Writing! Studio process! Send links to your websites, newsletters, publications, or projects you are working on?

Printmaking, and risograph printing! I'm always interested in hearing from artists/writers/poets/printmakers. I love to hear about artist-made publications, especially around the climate crisis, reading recommendations, and how-to topics.

What are you reading? I love reading recommendations — send recs for books and articles that you think I'll like.

Always interested to hear climbing, mountaineering, scrambling, alpine trad stories. We usually climb in the Cascades / Olympics ranges. Also, bike adventures!

Sewing: I'm not doing a lot at the moment (travel era) but am generally interested in self drafting, publishing patterns, and designing outdoors clothing and gear, especially high waisted pants + bags.

More on what I'm currently working on at /now, and at ANEMONE.

Spectrolite & All Well

If you need help or have feedback about Spectrolite or All Well, please don't email me directly! These projects have their own dedicated contacts:

For Spectrolite, please use the help form — you can also access it in the app's menu bar: Help > Send bug report or feedback. The How-To may also be useful!

For All Well sewing patterns or the book How to Sew Clothes, the Help and FAQ page might have what you need. You can also message through the All Well website's contact form or via Etsy.


The best way to get in touch is to send me a note on email - hello@ameliagreenhall.com or hello@anemone.studio for ANEMONE related things.

I also like getting replies to the ANEMONE newsletter.

Social Media

ANEMONE is @anemone.es and there's also @spectrolite.app on Instagram. I'm not on there often, so please don't DM.

I have inactive accounts on Twitter (RIP) under @ameliagreenhall, LinkedIn, Github @ameliagreenhall, and don't really use other social media.